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The Timeout Project is a member based organization that’s primary purpose is to generate recurring revenues to be used to affect positive change and to support the advancement of social causes.
Corporate America would certainly never fund such a project as it is contrary to the fundamental maximization of profit principle. Certainly, large corporations are often socially conscious; many giving back to their communities, but this is normally only as long as such activities contribute in a beneficial manner to the overall image of the business and are fully conducive to the underlying profit principle.
It is difficult to imagine the CEO of a fortune 500 company explaining to shareholders that although year-over-year profits were down by 20% and the stock has cratered, that the past year was actually a tremendous success - charitable donations are way up, community service work has increased, and the company had put a plan in place that will reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by an astounding 50%. Our business will not suffer from such conflicts. The profit motive will be secondary; the main principle will be to generate recurring revenues in order affect positive change, change that will be determined by the members of the Timeout Project.
Now don’t get me wrong; if someone has come up with a better economic system than capitalism, I’ve yet to hear about it. Capitalism is a motivational force that has brought wealth, health and prosperity to a large portion of the planet. All we are trying to do is to take a bit of the greed out of capitali$m, add a bit more compassion, and turn it into capit❤lism.
As Andy McCluskey recently stated while discussing the ideas behind OMD's latest album, the Punishment of Luxury, it’s "... a metaphor for modern life, really. First world problems. All of the shit we have to deal with is only a problem that's created for you by some suggestion that came from a marketing man or a PR job that's been done on you."
In business, bigger is better; and a major part of growth is created by advertising. Big business pays marketing firms billions of dollars each year to create psychological needs for their products; the more needs that are created within us, the more we desire, and the more that we feel we lack. This is the Punishment of Luxury, this inability to be satisfied with what we have. We need to find a way to control these ever growing manufactured internal needs and instead focus them externally on things that truly matter. So why not take this insatiable appetite for "more", this inability to be satisfied with what we have, and turn it into a driving force for positive change!! Positive change through capit❤lism!
We have developed a branding campaign targeted at one of the most profitable industries on the planet – the insurance industry. Insurance is truly the perfect business model. Sell peace of mind to the masses. When tragedy strikes, your insurance company will always be there to bail you out of trouble; well at least that’s the image that they chose to project. Who in our society is not a customer of the insurance industry. It is an absolute necessity of the modern world – health insurance, property insurance, life insurance, liability insurance… And of course, whenever disaster strikes, the individual is compensated; insurance premiums rise, and the profit margins of insurance companies are maintained or increased. Take a high risk situation – crowdfund it to spread the risk – and it becomes an extremely safe and incredibly profitable business model.
So far feedback from the world of advertising have been extremely positive and supportive -
“It looks like a fun concept!”
“Great concept. Clever and accurate, lots that can be done with it.”
“Nice concept.”
“I think the concept has legs.”
“I've reviewed it, amazing opportunity appears very lucrative.”
“…the idea is too good to fail so it’s really up to you and the talent you partner with.”
I looked at ALL your commercials and laughed my ass off! Really frickin good! May I ask, who came up with those ideas? My hat off to them! I agree that the brand slogan – “Because there’s no timeouts in life…” can be a huge brand! It does fit into any kind of situation which gives you open creativity in the branding.
The overall idea of the Timeout Project is not simply an analogous comparison between encountering difficult circumstances in real life and this ability in sports to be able to stop time and regroup at certain strategically advantageous moments. The overall idea is that we need to step back – to take a moment to think about what’s really going on in the world – to stop simply going through the motions and ignoring the difficulties and hardships of others – to take a Timeout in order to reflect on things and to determine the contribution that we can make to improve the lives of everyone around us. These are very simple words, and although most of us fully believe in them we very rarely act upon them; it is too simple just to tell ourselves, “I will do it tomorrow, or next week, or when I have more time... one day". Well, maybe today is that day. There are some extremely alarming and scary things going on in the world right now. It is definitely time for us to take a Timeout; to think about the future, to make better decisions and to get things moving in the right direction.
e have developed a branding campaign targeted at one of the most profitable industries on the planet – the insurance industry. Insurance is truly the perfect business model. Sell peace of mind to the masses. When tragedy strikes, your insurance company will always be there to bail you out of trouble; well at least that’s the image that they chose to project. Who in our society is not a customer of the insurance industry. It is an absolute necessity of the modern world – health insurance, property insurance, life insurance, liability insurance… And of course, whenever disaster strikes, the individual is compensated; insurance premiums rise, and the profit margins of insurance companies are maintained or increased. Take a high risk situation – crowdfund it to spread the risk – and it becomes an extremely safe and incredibly profitable business model.
So far feedback from the world of advertising have been extremely positive and supportive -
“It looks like a fun concept!”
“Great concept. Clever and accurate, lots that can be done with it.”
“Nice concept.”
“I think the concept has legs.”
“I've reviewed it, amazing opportunity appears very lucrative.”
“…the idea is too good to fail so it’s really up to you and the talent you partner with.”
I looked at ALL your commercials and laughed my ass off! Really frickin good! May I ask, who came up with those ideas? My hat off to them! I agree that the brand slogan – “Because there’s no timeouts in life…” can be a huge brand! It does fit into any kind of situation which gives you open creativity in the branding.
The overall idea of the Timeout Project is not simply an analogous
The Timeout Project is a member based organization that’s primary purpose is to generate recurring revenues to be used to affect positive change and to support the advancement of social causes.
Corporate America would certainly never fund such a project as it is contrary to the fundamental maximization of profit principle. Certainly, large corporations are often socially conscious; many giving back to their communities, but this is normally only as long as such activities contribute in a beneficial manner to the overall image of the business and are fully conducive to the underlying profit principle.
It is difficult to imagine the CEO of a fortune 500 company explaining to shareholders that although year-over-year profits were down by 20% and the stock has cratered, that the past year was actually a tremendous success - charitable donations are way up, community service work has increased, and the company had put a plan in place that will reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by an astounding 50%. Our business will not suffer from such conflicts. The profit motive will be secondary; the main principle will be to generate recurring revenues in order affect positive change, change that will be determined by the members of the Timeout Project.
Now don’t get me wrong; if someone has come up with a better economic system than capitalism, I’ve yet to hear about it. Capitalism is a motivational force that has brought wealth, health and prosperity to a large portion of the planet. All we are trying to do is to take a bit of the greed out of capitali$m, add a bit more compassion, and turn it into capit❤lism.
As Andy McCluskey recently stated while discussing the ideas behind OMD's latest album, the Punishment of Luxury, it’s "... a metaphor for modern life, really. First world problems. All of the shit we have to deal with is only a problem that's created for you by some suggestion that came from a marketing man or a PR job that's been done on you."
In business, bigger is better; and a major part of growth is created by advertising. Big business pays marketing firms billions of dollars each year to create psychological needs for their products; the more needs that are created within us, the more we desire, and the more that we feel we lack. This is the Punishment of Luxury, this inability to be satisfied with what we have. We need to find a way to control these ever growing manufactured internal needs and instead focus them externally on things that truly matter. So why not take this insatiable appetite for "more", this inability to be satisfied with what we have, and turn it into a driving force for positive change!! Positive change through capit❤lism!
We have developed a branding campaign targeted at one of the most profitable industries on the planet – the insurance industry. Insurance is truly the perfect business model. Sell peace of mind to the masses. When tragedy strikes, your insurance company will always be there to bail you out of trouble; well at least that’s the image that they chose to project. Who in our society is not a customer of the insurance industry. It is an absolute necessity of the modern world – health insurance, property insurance, life insurance, liability insurance… And of course, whenever disaster strikes, the individual is compensated; insurance premiums rise, and the profit margins of insurance companies are maintained or increased. Take a high risk situation – crowdfund it to spread the risk – and it becomes an extremely safe and incredibly profitable business model.
So far feedback from the world of advertising have been extremely positive and supportive -
“It looks like a fun concept!”
“Great concept. Clever and accurate, lots that can be done with it.”
“Nice concept.”
“I think the concept has legs.”
“I've reviewed it, amazing opportunity appears very lucrative.”
“…the idea is too good to fail so it’s really up to you and the talent you partner with.”
I looked at ALL your commercials and laughed my ass off! Really frickin good! May I ask, who came up with those ideas? My hat off to them! I agree that the brand slogan – “Because there’s no timeouts in life…” can be a huge brand! It does fit into any kind of situation which gives you open creativity in the branding.
The overall idea of the Timeout Project is not simply an analogous comparison between encountering difficult circumstances in real life and this ability in sports to be able to stop time and regroup at certain strategically advantageous moments. The overall idea is that we need to step back – to take a moment to think about what’s really going on in the world – to stop simply going through the motions and ignoring the difficulties an
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